I’m a boomer. Always have been. Always will be until I shed this mortal shell. There’s more of us boomers in our country than any other age demographic. You’re a boomer too if you’re currently between the age of 50-68. We’ve got changes ahead, but you’ve probably already figured that out. If you’re beyond boomer, perhaps you’ll nod affirmatively at what I’m sharing. If you’re not there yet, read on, it may do you well.
My parents were part of the greatest generation our country and perhaps this planet has ever known, but that’s just opinion, and worth little to nothing. I miss them more and more as each year rolls around. You may have had an entirely different growing up experience than I’ve had and I get that. But where we go from here is all that matters, because it’s all we got left.
From 1969 until 2004, my parents lived in a very nice Cape Cod style home in a suburban community called Marinwood. Their home was paid for, as in no mortgage. Dad was a butcher and a part owner of a small mom and pop grocery store near San Rafael, north of San Francisco, not far from where Robin Williams lived (and died) in Tiburon on the bay. In comparison, we lived on the “other side of the tracks” but in Marin County, that is way upscale compared to most anything else in the world.
Dad worked hard – very hard. His hard work and frugality (in a good sense) enabled him to retire and live well till he was 93. He was also healthy in body, soul and spirit. He lived an honorable life. Mom was, for the most part a “stay at home” mom. She passed away at the age of 78. She had smoked most of her life and it did indeed catch up with her. I think dad mourned mom’s passing for the rest of his life. Their relationship matured and blossomed after dad retired.
As I’ve now crested 60, I’ve been more considering the things that are of importance in life, which by the way, is not Fox or CNN news, or the Diamondbacks…now the Cardinals and ASU football, that may be a different story;-)
So what’s the real estate point of all this Mike? Crimeny man, would you just land the plane?!
The point is, that I believe a big part of dad’s success and health, was that he didn’t have a mortgage. He was able to save. (Mike, could you please define that word?) And then he invested, very conservatively – a little here, a little there. Fortunately for him, he had trusted advisors who did him well.
The point is, is that I (and most boomers) don’t own our homes outright. I’ve chosen instead to enjoy a nicer, larger home and having a mortgage has enabled me to do this. But you know, Karen and I are currently rethinking our life strategy and we’re definitely warming to the idea of modest and smaller versus “the nicer and bigger.”
What do you think?